A mission to make prescribed care as effective as possible.

We say ‘prescribed’ for an important reason: we believe the challenges of chronic disease are best solved with deep involvement from healthcare professionals and the healthcare system. We want to use world-class design and technology to help improve the relationship between patients and their clinicians. How we achieve this mission:

Improving a patient’s ability to self-care

Providing the tools and information to help people bring their condition under control and know what to do if things start to go wrong.

Improving clinical decision-making

Helping clinicians find therapeutic effectiveness for their patients more efficiently and quickly by providing them with real-world data and insights.

Why long-term conditions?

There are roughly 26 million people in the UK and 200 million in the US living with one or more chronic diseases. This represents 70% of primary and acute care spending every year. It is the main challenge facing governments and healthcare systems worldwide.

Medical non-adherence

Declared a “worldwide problem of striking magnitude” by the WHO, medical non-adherence occurs roughly half of the time and accounts for 50% of all treatment failures. This makes medicine less effective, prescribed care more challenging and costs the NHS £930m per year.

From ‘disease-specific’ to ‘whole-person’

Traditional models of healthcare focusing on individual diseases can cause fragmented care due to a lack of coordination. People with multiple conditions have poorer quality of life and higher rates of mortality. We focus on supporting comorbidity, which is critically underserved.

Economic impact

The impact of long-term conditions is passed onto the wider economy, with an estimated $3.4 trillion of lost productivity in the US every year due to sickness absence. It is the second most common cause of missing work.

Case study with
Aide saves a potential 332.3 hours of clinical time per 1,000 asthma patients.
View case study

Our values


Our duty of care, above everything else, is to the people who are living with long-term conditions and using Aide every day. Our work is designed to empower them and help them achieve better health. We design for the patient first, clinicians a close second.

Long-term conditions = long-term view

We are not interested in short-termism. No shortcuts, no quick wins. Using Aide means inviting a new technology into your life. That relationship, and the validity of the insights for both the patient and clinician, is built on enduring trust. We don’t take this role for granted.

Evidence-based, not evidence-bound

We want our impact to be demonstrable. That said, digital health is new in the lifetime of medicine, and things move quickly. We are willing to challenge accepted thinking and research and put significant effort into proving or disproving the value of our work.

High standards, high humility

Our goal is to set the absolute highest standards in experience for digital health. This translates into every interaction of our company, large or small. To achieve that, there is a lot we need to learn, and we don’t assume to already know the answer.

Our team

Ian Wharton
Founder, Chief Executive Officer
19-year track record of high-profile design and innovation. Apple Design Award-winner and published author.
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Brian Snyder
Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer
Executive leader with a background in operations, finance and commercial strategy for SaaS companies.
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Tony Daly
Chief Technology Officer
Technology leader with over 10 years experience building high-performing teams and startups.
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Iain Reid
Chief Product Officer
Product leader and technologist with 12 years experience building digital products and services.
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Prof. Nick Barber
Head of Clinical Outcomes
Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy at University College London and former VP of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
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Dr Steven Laitner
Head of Population Health
A practicing GP of 22 years and healthcare consultant with extensive experience in pathway redesign.
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Dan Taylor
Principal Designer
Experience of leading the design and launch of digital products and design systems for international brands.
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Justyna Stebel
Product Engineer
Experienced Ruby developer with a passion for building tech for good.
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Our advisors

Noel Gordon
Former Chair of NHS Digital, Chair of Healthcare UK and a Non-Executive Director of NHS England.
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Dr Becky Haines
Diabetes and Hypertension
Gateshead Clinical Lead for Diabetes. Year of Care trainer and RCGP Champion for Collaborative Care and Support Planning.
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Dr Steve Holmes
NHS England Regional Respiratory Lead, Clinical Respiratory Lead in Somerset CCG, Education Chair of PCRS.
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Michael Steel
Founded and sold Greenbrook, providing urgent care services to the NHS with £40m+ turnover.
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Our backers

Aide Health is backed by some of the leading UK and European venture capital funds, research organisations and the prestigious DigitalHealth.London Accelerator.

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Fuel Ventures logo
APX logo

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